IELTS Vocabulary


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Copious vocabulary is very important if you want to score high in IELTS. But learning a large amount of new words can be a tough task, especially if you are busy with work, family, and other responsibilities. In this chapter we will give you some great tips on how to memorize large amounts of new vocabulary and phrases in a short span of time both based on our teaching and personal experience and on what we have found on the Internet. different principles, asking someone to test you, etc. You are free to use any method that works best for you. Firstly put the words in places where you’ll see them as often as possible. Yes, it is a common advice which we’ve never tried for some reason - put a sticker with names of objects on a wall, in a notebook you carry around, on your computer desktop, etc.
Second: learning vocabulary through audio materials. Another “lazy” way to learn passively. You can listen to podcasts or radio stations while working around the house or doing sports and automatically memorize new words with their meanings derived from the context. Good results with no extra time spent.
Thirdly describe the world around you regularly in the language you are learning. How about that? Just push yourself to think in English every time you have time - driving a car, waiting in a line, going to work, etc. You could start from simple descriptions of things surrounding you and gradually go to more complicated self-talks. Just don’t talk to yourself out loud!
Fourth: Use different applications and extensions for your browser. There are a lot of them. I am not an active user of apps for learning a language, but many people consider them to be very useful. So it’s up to you to try and decide whether this approach works for you.
That’s all we have for you in terms of learning techniques. I hope you find these recommendations and tips helpful in your preparation for the IELTS writing section II or speaking part of the exam. Have fun learning new words and using them in your everyday conversations!
This app includes academic vocabulary from:EducationEnvironmentFood GlobalizationTechnologyHealthCrime and punishmentOuter SpaceArt